I have been writing a php file intended to create a bitcoin private key and change it to wallet import format. The issue is when I try a command in a gnome-terminal such as:
bitcoin-cli importprivkey ygm8fAjomMyKVcb8vK8MPBByYpMDySY1vAxcpw6DUfPBHb8kv “” false
I get an error:
error: {“code”:-5,”message”:”Invalid private key encoding”}
From this I’ve infered that my code is flawed in creating a private key and changing it into wallet import format. But from what I see in the source code it should do what it says to at https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Wallet_import_format under “Private key to WIF”
Here are the php files:
$a = new btcMakePrivKey();
#echo $GLOBALS['base58oper'];
function decodeHex($hex) {
$hexchars = "0123456789ABCDEF";
$hex = strtoupper($hex);
$return = "0";
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($hex); $i++) {
$current = (string) strpos($hexchars, $hex[$i]);
$return = (string) bcmul($return, "16", 0);
$return = (string) bcadd($return, $current, 0);
return $return;
function encodeBase58($hex)
$base58chars = "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz";
if (strlen($hex) % 2 != 0) {
die("encodeBase58: uneven number of hex characters");
$orighex = $hex;
$hex = decodeHex($hex);
$return = "";
while (bccomp($hex, 0) == 1) {
$dv = (string) bcdiv($hex, "58", 0);
$rem = (integer) bcmod($hex, "58");
$hex = $dv;
$return = $return . $base58chars[$rem];
$return = strrev($return);
//leading zeros
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($orighex) && substr($orighex, $i, 2) == "00"; $i += 2) {
$return = "1" . $return;
return $return;
class btcMakePrivKey
//$base58oper = new base58();
public function __construct()
#$this->base58oper = new base58();
$count = 0; $privKey = "";
while($count < 62)
$appendable = devurandom_rand(0,15);
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
case 13:
case 14:
case 15:
$count = $count + 1;
$privKey = $privKey . $appendable;
$privKey = $this->addLeadingByte($privKey);
#echo $privKey . "\n\n";
$pkHashed = $this->sha256Hash($this->sha256Hash($privKey) );
$checksum = substr($pkHashed, 0, 8);
$privKey = $privKey . $checksum;
#$privKey = $this->base58oper->encode($privKey);
$privKey = encodeBase58($privKey);
echo $privKey;// . "\n\n" . $pkHashed . "\n\n" . $checksum;
private function addLeadingByte($privKey)
return '80' . $privKey;
private function sha256Hash($privKey)
return hash('sha256', $privKey, false);
and devRand.php:
//equiv to rand, mt_rand
//returns int in *closed* interval [$min,$max]
function devurandom_rand($min = 0, $max = 0x7FFFFFFF) {
$diff = $max - $min;
if ($diff < 0 || $diff > 0x7FFFFFFF) {
throw new RuntimeException("Bad range");
$bytes = mcrypt_create_iv(4, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
if ($bytes === false || strlen($bytes) != 4) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get 4 bytes");
$ary = unpack("Nint", $bytes);
$val = $ary['int'] & 0x7FFFFFFF; // 32-bit safe
$fp = (float) $val / 2147483647.0; // convert to [0,1]
return round($fp * $diff) + $min;
I intend my code to create a bitcoin private key and convert it to a useable key in wallet import format, which can be used in bitcoin-cli importprivkey insertKeyHere “” false