A very generic question, so only a generic answer. I think, what you are looking for is how to create a transaction with multiple inputs, to a single output. There are many bitcoin tools out there, I for myself use some shell scripts on unixoide systems. There is also bx and tx tools, as described in Andreas‘ book „Mastering Bitcoin“ (book is online readable). Then there are libraries for php, Java, python – each with its own learning curve. Generally: you need the previous tx ID, the outpoint, and the target address and amount. This all needs to go into a serialized set of data, then a hash is generated over it, and signed. Once you have the signed tx, you can send it from a wallet or from many Online services (like blockchain.info) to the network.
I recommend to start playing on testnet or regtest, assemble a tx, and run through the possibilities. Then you can search specifically here in the forum, or raise a question based on the experience.
Again: it can be done manually, but requires some effort to get into the logic of correct assembly. Andreas‘ book is a good starting point.