I’m trying to figure out how to use mining software on my computer with a full node.
The API’s seem configurable to allow my cpu to mine, there’s just no longer direct support for such a method anymore, to my understanding.
I know I’ll basically have a 1 in 100 Trillion odds of mining each block, but I still want to configure the option to turn mining on/off with a auxiliary system that does the final hashing when given all the header info.
What would I need to do to set up some software that does the basic functions of block construction and hashing, and then uses the api to submit the blocks?
I’m curious if downloading and transferring over some of the .12 bitcoin core software would work.
I’m not concerned with profit, or any return, I just want to know how to set up mining software without specific hardware (other than built in CPU).
I just want it to be able to do these two functions:
input address -> use bitcoin-cli to output block header & target
input success header -> use bitcoin-cli to submit block to networkhash
If that’s something that already exits I don’t want to recode it, but if it’s not possible to find something that does that I’ll just have to code it I guess which is fine.