Problem. importmulti
function has a lot of parameters and they are more difficult to understanding then the parameters of another Bitcoin RPC-API functions. Those who are not profi in modern cryptographic achievements have difficult with understanding how to use importmulti
Here is the task that demonstrates the problem.
There is 2 wallets with the Bitcoin Core v.0.19.1:
wallet1 – the wallet with private key for export.
wallet2 – empty wallet into which we need to import the PK+address from wallet1.
So in the wallet1 we have the bitcoin address created by getnewaddress
[root@wallet1 ~]# bitcoin-cli getaddressinfo 3M5e4QMBUYtpEewwuuoWCArpiM2fT4KEDy
"address": "3M5e4QMBUYtpEewwuuoWCArpiM2fT4KEDy",
"scriptPubKey": "a914d4b1b498c8be8813273937b834be6d9d1f488b9087",
"ismine": true,
"solvable": true,
"desc": "sh(wpkh([675dc179/0'/0'/0']02607cb6c05a575fd040498ec8c44eabfa2a4f0fc320aeacf494a77b3a408d84af))#r6dvu4wk",
"iswatchonly": false,
"isscript": true,
"iswitness": false,
"script": "witness_v0_keyhash",
"hex": "00144c88353345f2e03abc8e96b818fd030c3c9f59ab",
"pubkey": "02607cb6c05a575fd040498ec8c44eabfa2a4f0fc320aeacf494a77b3a408d84af",
"embedded": {
"isscript": false,
"iswitness": true,
"witness_version": 0,
"witness_program": "4c88353345f2e03abc8e96b818fd030c3c9f59ab",
"pubkey": "02607cb6c05a575fd040498ec8c44eabfa2a4f0fc320aeacf494a77b3a408d84af",
"address": "bc1qfjyr2v697tsr40ywj6up3lgrps7f7kdtvw6mnu",
"scriptPubKey": "00144c88353345f2e03abc8e96b818fd030c3c9f59ab"
"label": "",
"ischange": false,
"timestamp": 1589545405,
"hdkeypath": "m/0'/0'/0'",
"hdseedid": "7cf768d4050dc142a69a149666798cc434045c6c",
"hdmasterfingerprint": "675dc179",
"labels": [
"name": "",
"purpose": "receive"
[root@wallet1 ~]# bitcoin-cli dumpprivkey 3M5e4QMBUYtpEewwuuoWCArpiM2fT4KEDy
I’ve tried to import that address to wallet2 but have failed.
[root@wallet2 ~]# bitcoin-cli importmulti '[{ "scriptPubKey": { "address": "3M5e4QMBUYtpEewwuuoWCArpiM2fT4KEDy" }, "timestamp":"now", "keys": { "Kwngf5FSYmHM5oPHjSoKxtHWUxXiQ5YN5ZR6shmzkYpMMftBh92c":0 } }]' '{"rescan": false}'
"success": false,
"error": {
"code": -1,
"message": "Missing required fields"
What the correct way to import that address using importmulti? Show the example please.