It might be complicated to get the desired set of new-gen GPUs that would be profitable to use for mining, but it’s even harder to find a motherboard that would support them. Some MoBos require bios tweaking in order to run properly, while others lower the hashrate or have stability issues when under full load.
Of course, this applies if you have six GPUs in the rig, which seems to be the most common rig setup nowadays.
Biostar TB250-BTC Review – 6x GPU Mining Motherboard
AsRock was the brand #1 when it came to mining Motherboards. Their latest model, the H81 Pro BTC was the perfect fit for crypto miners. Now, with the growing popularity of altcoin mining, the company seems to have issues with supplying enough quantity of those MoBos. While good and affordable, one no longer can find them in the market.
This is where Biostar saw an opportunity and came with their new MoBo model, the TB250-BTC. This new MoBo is being advertised as being tailored for Bitcoin mining. That’s actually a poor advertising technique, since no GPU rig stands a chance against modern Bitcoin ASIC miners. However, the rig perfectly fits the needs of altcoin GPU miners.
Just like the AsRock Pro BTC series, the TB250-BTC comes with 6 slots for GPUs and additional 4-pin Molex power connectors. Unlikely its counterpart, the TB250-BTC comes with an up-to-date chipset, which is based on Intel B250. It also supports DDR4 RAM and socket 1151 CPUs.
Is it good for GPU mining? Definitively yes. The only downside is that since it is being manufactured by Biostar, it probably won’t be available as widely as AsRock MoBos are. However, there’s always a way to buy them online.
Entering Biostar with their new model TB250-BTC that is apparently intended for GPU mining rigs with up to 6x video cards and to additional 4-pin Molex power connectors onboard, just like on the AsRock Pro BTC series. To our knowledge this is the first motherboard intended for 6x GPU mining rigs with an up to date chipset, based on Intel B250 and supporting socket 1151 CPUs and DDR4 memory. The motherboard even has an M.2 slot available for installing onboard SSD modules, a feature that might also be interesting for some GPU miners.
The only problem with Biostar as a brand is the limited availability on many markets or the total lack of such, unlike AsRock that is available on much more markets worldwide. The Biostar TB250-BTC in not the first attempt at such a solution from the company, they previously had the Biostar TB85 motherboard that also came as an alternative to AsRock’s H81 Pro BTC, but it never got too popular since it was also hard to find on many markets and was more expensive.
Where & What to Buy
Biostar TB250-BTCCompatible CPUCompatible RAM
Biostart TB250-BTC Ver. 6.x Review
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