Browsing: import
private key import – Converting compressed WIF to uncompressed WIF so it works with bitcoinaddress Python library
if you want to convert a compressed WIF to an uncompressed WIF, you would need to: decode the compressed WIF…
I’m stuck on this problem since yesterday and I don’t get how to fix it. How do I import a…
Problem. importmulti function has a lot of parameters and they are more difficult to understanding then the parameters of another…
xpub – Is it ok and safe to import master public key from electrum wallet into bluewallet to be a watch-only wallet?
Is it safe to do so? It should be considered safe. For better privacy and security, using your own Electrum…
bitcoin core – Properly Import P2WSH Descriptors into a Watch-Only Wallet to Reflect All Balances and Transactions
I’m trying to import a Pay-to-Witness-Script-Hash (P2WSH) descriptor into my Bitcoin Core watch-only wallet using the importdescriptors command. My goal…
I have an old (2014) paper wallet I’ve deposited coins into over the years. I have another paper wallet that…
bitcoin core – Will bitcoind import private keys for multi-sig descriptor with watch-only flag set to true?
I am importing a “warm” multi-sig quorum into bitcoind using importmulti like so: {“jsonrpc”:”1.0″,”id”:”curltest”,”method”:”importmulti”,”params”:[[{ “desc”: “sh(multi(2,[eb2d2f9e/44’/1’/0′]tprv8g5heqz5AnCKdYQHsHyYvyDvWFdp5RN8Z5uhvb1FrzgPmeuYseQNsknt1KFf1b1Y9dtNaNMbxkaNdkP7FLbhP9a4UosbV5rWLAMFPhUcMVT/0/*,[e19b3701/44’/1’/0′]tpubDCkUBfVNYjzdX37ARqSFWNAA5WvQRGy3Y5PA13ve1dSVtBLr7tEf6c7C2sYtnRazFfsfAdCfuv9JG62BnUVvofvvvs9iyDreQhTRJJ6Mp8u/0/*,[65b2e5d3/44’/1’/0′]tpubDCFM6STEuVkkh6qCCooJw4TXHRzyq6R6tBeigSQSgf4xY6ZwAeoSQH2ZTTfcsZTrJ7wJF2bixpn38XcKj3KihxH5LzMraCLwsbt3bnkAHrU/0/*))#2pztwc0s”, “timestamp”: “now”, “range”: [2500,5000],…
I have been writing a php file intended to create a bitcoin private key and change it to wallet import…
I am having trouble importing a multibit private key into electrum and The presence of “” and ‘+’ indicate…