Browsing: signature
locktime – send btc from P2SH(multisig and timelock script),got “Non-canonical DER signature”
I created a 2/3 multisig script with timelock,the admin can withdraw BTC after timelock. But the bitcoin node return an…
In the book Programming Bitcoin (2019) by Jimmy Song (pg’s 61-72) the ECDSA signing/verification procedure for message hash z, private/public…
I want to protect my bitcoin and my threat model is that one of the two paper copies of the…
multi signature – Can I sign multisig transaction only with private key in a descriptor based wallet?
All public keys or redeem script/witness script is required to sign the transaction when spending bitcoin multisig UTXO. An experiment…
will the passphrase be required to use the existing Wallet within the multisig (to send, for instance)? If you don’t…
I’m trying to inscribe a Transfer of BRC-20 send an amount of Bitcoin from and to a single address. Would…
vk = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string(bytes.fromhex(pubKey),curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1) if vk.verify(bytes.fromhex(signature), bytes.fromhex(sha256_hash), hashlib.sha256, sigdecode=sigdecode_der) == True: # True print("Signature is Valid") else: print("Signature is not Valid")…
bitcoinj – spend founds from p2wsh address,non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (Signature must be zero for failed CHECK(MULTI)SIG operation) (code 64)
i want spent coin from p2wsh address on btc testnet3 network, i use bitcoinj 0.15.2 build transaction and sign it,…
Your analysis is correct, in that “verified” deterministic signatures obviate the need for a protocol like anti-exfil. However, the trade…
I’m trying to understand the primitives of Taproot and Musig2 so I can implement them into my application. I’m using…